Newco Metals Seeks Permit to Build New Smelting Plant in Indiana
An Indiana-based metals recycling company will meet with government authorities this month, seeking permit to build and operate a smelting facility in Indiana.
The meeting between Newco Metals Inc. officials and the Ingalls Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) is expected to take place later this month on October 21, 2019 at 7:00pm at Maple Ridge Elementary. 8537 S. 650 W. Pendleton. Initially, Newco had planned to meet the BZA in August, but was postponed as the board meeting failed to record full attendance.
Meantime, the town noted that residents are encouraged to email any letters of opposition to it. All such emails and information will be collected and forwarded to the BZA Board prior to its meeting. Further, it encouraged residents to attend the meeting.
According to media reports, the company had earlier requested to build a scrap metal facility, but later on changed its request to a smelting plant, in order to better reflect the activities that would take place at the proposed plant near Interstate 69 and State Road 13.
Earlier in August this year, Newco Metals had requested town council for an amendment that will extend a tax abatement resolution. However, the request was put on hold by the town administration, saying that the council will not act on the request, without an approval from the BZA.
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