How Smart is Singapore At Recycling E-Waste?
Only four in 10 Singaporeans know how to recycle e-waste. While news of regulation for gadget makers is welcome, a university professor has called for a more sincere effort from producers to promote electronics recycling.
In his National Day rally speech in 2017, Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong outlined his vision of a Smart Nation that is digitally equipped and tech savvy. But how smart is Singapore at dealing with the forgotten side of technology—electronic waste?
Six in 10 Singaporeans do not know how to recycle their e-waste, according to a January study commissioned by the National Environment Agency (NEA). This is reflected by Singapore’s meagre 6 per cent recycling rate for e-waste, 60,000 tonnes of which is produced by the wealthy city-state every year.
In light of this, Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources announced in a consultation session on Thursday that Singapore will introduce long-awaited regulations to strengthen e-waste management.
One of them is the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) approach, which obliges the makers of mobile phones, laptops and washing machines to track, collect and enforce the recycling of their electronic products.
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